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What’s the best way to store cannabis?
Weed Storage NYC

Now that you know you can get the finest quality cannabis in New York, you want to keep it as fresh and potent as possible. And while Rare Garden weed doesn’t come with an expiration date, it can become less effective and less flavorful if not stored properly.

Here are three tips from The Rare Garden on how to keep your connoisseur-quality bud tasting fresh-from-the-greenhouse fresh.

  1. Don’t keep your weed in the freezer. You may have heard some cannabis enthusiasts say that freezing buds are the best way to keep them fresh and potent. We do NOT recommend freezing Rare Garden cannabis, because if it’s too wet or humid, cannabis can grow mold. Plus, the process of freezing and thawing can cause freezer burn – much too rough on delicate flower buds – and can detract from their natural herbaceous, fresh-grown aroma.
  2. Store in Ball or Mason jars. You remember those glass canning jars that your grandma used to store fresh tomatoes, peppers or to turn cucumbers into pickles? Those canning jars are ideal for storage of fresh weed. The rubber ring acts as a seal, locking aroma and freshness IN – and extra air out. Plus, glass won’t let your weed get oxygenized the way a plastic container might – even plastic zip-lock bags are ever-so-slightly gas permeable. And the smaller the better – you want to have as little air above your weed as possible. Buy multiple sizes so you can lower the headspace as you deplete your supply. Another perk: glass jars lock the delicious dankness IN, so the guy beside you riding the Q train out to Brooklyn doesn’t have to know you have an ounce of rare cannabis in your pack.
  3. Keep it dark. Keep your bud away from light… if you have an amber- or blue-colored canning jar, even better. (That’s why many beer bottles are amber colored – to protect the beer from getting light struck.) ideally your glass jar should be kept in a cool, dark place, away from sunlight or bright overhead lights. Just think about the way natural sunlight can fade curtains, couches and even your car’s interior. UV light can break down the cannabinoids and terpenes in your bud, giving you a less than desirable “high.” A drawer, unlit closet or dark-colored bag that isn’t light-permeable will do the trick.


Now that you know how to store your Rare Garden flower, shop for it! Plus, cartridges and edibles coming soon!

For more information about Rare Garden cannabis, visit our FAQ section.

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